Welcome to Spiritual Balance. I hope that you will enjoy your stay. While I am establishing this site, please note that it is under construction and continues to grow.
From an early age, I have always enjoyed learning and focusing on being a more positive and happy person. Aspects of self-empowerment through personal and spiritual development will be incorporated into this website to share with you.
I am certainly not an expert as I still continue to discover new aspects on this wonderful journey every day – and my question to you is, ‘Is there ever an end to learning and discovering?’ I truly believe in life-long learning, sharing, encouraging and empowerment. The ultimate result would be spiritual enlightenment.
With this website I hope to share this information, different kinds of practices and resources with you.
There are many ways to empower yourself.
‘Affirmations’ is one of them. You will notice our ‘Affirmations Page’ – please look through and feel welcome to click here to receive weekly affirmations straight into your inbox that you can download and print for personal use.
Affirmations are a very powerful tool to
- initiate change in our lives
- initiate to change habits
- welcome new aspects into our lives; may it be abundance, prosperity, benevolence, happiness and love, to name a few
Changing the world to become a better place starts within ourselves. Every single person can and does make a difference.
“Be the change you want to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi
If every single person would love themselves, be respectful to one-self and everyone around them, there would be no war, hate or indignity.
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” – Jimi Hendrix
Follow your heart, make a difference, share the love and see it spread.