My inner joy and happiness expand when I share it with others. ~ Affirmation for Happiness and Joy

My inner joy and happiness expand when I share it with others. ~ Affirmation for Happiness and Joy

March 18, 2019 0 By Edith

My inner joy and happiness expand when I share it with others.


The previous two affirmations focused on our own happiness and joy which are very important aspects in our lives. We must first be happy and joyous before we can share it with others and make people around us feel the same way.

Think of a moment or situation where you shared your happiness with a family member or friend and where this not only made the other person happier but also increased your joy, too.

I am sure you can come up with more than one situation where you shared your joy and made someone else happy.

With this in mind; have you read my post where you are invited to share your story or an article that fits into the personal empowerment and spiritual development niche? Please get in contact if you are interested.
