I am unique. I take care of myself and I value my uniqueness. ~ Affirmation for Uniqueness and Self-Care

I am unique. I take care of myself and I value my uniqueness. ~ Affirmation for Uniqueness and Self-Care

October 3, 2019 2 By Edith

I am unique. I take care of myself and I value my uniqueness-Affirmation for Uniqueness and Self-Care

I am reading the book ‘The Art of Self-Kindness’ by ‘Rebecca Ray’ at the moment and the author makes some very important statements in her book.

We can’t look after others if we don’t look after ourselves.

Do you value your uniqueness? Are you leaving unique footprints? You, yourself are the most important person in your life. No one else. Yes, you do have loved ones, you have family, you have friends but you are the most important person in your life and please look after yourself. Value your talents, skills, differences and your uniqueness.

When was the last time you treated yourself? When was the last time you fulfilled a wish of yours? When was the last time you did something you really wanted to do that you enjoy and love doing?

I have written a post previously about ‘loving and accepting yourself’ with a few inspirational ideas on how we can bring more love and acceptance into our own lives.

I won’t write much more today but I would love you to take this as an opportunity to reflect upon the following:

  • Do I truly value myself?
  • Do I truly love and accept myself?
  • What do I do to look after myself on a regular basis?
  • Are there additional things I can do in life to bring more love, acceptance and self-care into my life?
  • What makes me special and unique? And humble at the same time?

Blessings upon your reflections,
