Share Your Story or Submit an Article

Share Your Story or Submit an Article

March 16, 2019 0 By Edith

Are you interested in sharing your story or write an article on a topic that fits into the Personal Empowerment and Spiritual Development niche?


Would you like to share your story and inspire others?

Have you got an important message to share?

Would you like to write an article in the personal development niche?


Please use the contact form to get in touch.


Please note the following before submitting an article:

Guest Post Guidelines

  • The article length is to be a minimum of 1000 words – there is no upper limit.
  • Articles must be of high quality, well written, engaging and related to this niche (Personal & Spiritual Development).
  • Please only send in articles if you are very knowledgeable in this niche.
  • If sharing your story, please focus on inspiring others, what they can learn from it and how your story can help others – as mentioned above, this website is about Personal Empowerment and Spiritual Development and submitted articles need to fit within this niche. The article needs to be uplifting, encouraging and inspiring.
  • I reserve the right not to publish a submitted article, at my own discretion.
  • I reserve the right to edit/alter sections and paragraphs of the submitted article before publishing it on my website. (I would contact you in this case.)
  • Copyright of the written article remains with you.
  • Once published to Spiritual Balance, you are not allowed to use the article anywhere else, whether it is in digital form (published to another website or forum, etc.) or in print form.
  • The content of the submitted article needs to be unique. Plagiarism checks will be used to ensure that the content is unique.
  • You can submit more than one article if you wish.
  • I reserve the right to take down the article in future if deemed necessary.
  • Please do not include images. I will select suitable images for accepted articles.
  • Please note that you will not get paid for submitting an article. This is a guest post opportunity.
  • You may include a short summary or biography at the end of the article.
  • Towards the end of the article, you may include one backlink to your website. Please note that only backlinks to suitable websites will be accepted.
  • You are not allowed to promote a product.
  • Please note that I will publish the article (if accepted). You will not receive access to my website.
  • Once your submitted article has been approved and published, changes may not be accepted.
  • Please note that I may add internal links to the article. I will not include external links.
  • Considering you get the opportunity to post on my website, which will give you the opportunity to build a backlink, reach new readers and grow your audience, I would appreciate a mention of your guest post on your website and/or social media channels in return, linking back to my website.
  • Please note that it may take up to two weeks for an article to be accepted and published; however, I will endeavour to publish them sooner if accepted.

Please contact me if you have any questions and if you would like to submit a guest post.

I look forward to hearing from you.
