I allow the light of my consciousness to grow stronger every day. ~ Positive Affirmation for Spiritual Growth

I allow the light of my consciousness to grow stronger every day. ~ Positive Affirmation for Spiritual Growth

April 16, 2019 0 By Edith

Affirmation for Spiritual Growth ~ I allow the light of my consciousness to grow stronger every day.


I am reading ‘The Power of Now’ by Eckhart Tolle and this positive ‘Affirmation for Spiritual Growth’ is based on his powerful statement:

“Every time you create a gap in the stream of mind, the light of your consciousness grows stronger.” – Eckhart Tolle

How does he define the stream of mind?

This is the way I understand it:

The stream of mind is your thoughts, the identification with your mind. In my previous affirmation, we talked about dis-identifying from our minds and briefly touch-based on becoming the watcher of our thoughts.

So how can we create a gap in the stream of mind and free ourselves of the internal (and often involuntary) dialogue?

According to Eckhart Tolle, these are two of the ways we can create a gap and ultimately allow the light of our consciousness grow stronger:

  1. Watching your thoughts, listening to the voice in your head as often as you can. Eckhart Tolle continues saying to listen to the voice in your head impartially which means to listen to it but not to judge. You’ll soon realise that there is the voice and that there is you; you watching it, listening to it and becoming the ‘witness of the thought’. This is your own presence, allowing the light of your consciousness growing stronger. The thought then loses its power and you start creating gaps in your thinking. Initially, these gaps might only last a few seconds but gradually, they will become longer. You will then feel a state of inner peace within you.
  2. Another way to create a gap in the stream of mind is by being in the present moment 100%. Directing the focus of your attention into the present moment is also the essence of meditation.You can accomplish this by paying full attention to the activity you are doing right at that particular moment. If you are washing the dishes, pay full attention to every detail, every movement and every step: the sound of the dishes, the feel of the water, the movement of your body, your hands and your breathing. When you are going for a walk, be present in the moment, feeling the movement of your body, your arms, your legs, your breathing. Pay attention to what you hear and what you see.

I greatly encourage you to further study Eckhart Tolle’s teaching as he communicates powerful lessons full of wisdom, clarity and spiritual growth.

Blessings and thank you for reading this.
