Every day, I allow myself to be myself. ~ Affirmation for Self-Love and Confidence

Every day, I allow myself to be myself. ~ Affirmation for Self-Love and Confidence

November 11, 2019 0 By Edith

Every day, I allow myself to be myself. Affirmation for Self-Love and Confidence

‘Every day, I allow myself to be myself.’

Do you allow yourself to be yourself? Take this time as an opportunity to reflect upon your situation: Are you truly being yourself? Are you ‘just you’? Or are you allowing others to tell you (directly or indirectly) to act or do things differently to how you would like to do things or to how you would prefer to be?

Do you change when you are around certain people because you feel that they might not accept you of who you truly are?

Do you care about what others think of you? Does this result in you acting differently to the way you would prefer to act or be in specific situations?

What do you do in order to look after yourself? In order to be truly yourself?

What makes you happy? Going for a walk? Playing music? Playing golf? Catching up with friends that accept you how you are, with all your faults and with all your wonderful skills and talents?

Take the time to reflect upon and whether you are happy or whether you could change things in order to have more confidence to be truly you and offer your gifts to the world.

Feel free to print the above affirmation and stick it to your fridge or to another prominent place where you can see it daily to help you affirm to be more you.

Allow your soul to sparkle. Allow yourself to be truly you. Allow yourself to be amazing. Allow yourself to shine. Allow yourself to make this world a better place.

If you would like to read more about self-love and acceptance, you might like this article.

