I meditate daily and I notice how meditation positively changes my life. I welcome these benefits into my life. ~ Affirmation for Meditation

I meditate daily and I notice how meditation positively changes my life. I welcome these benefits into my life. ~ Affirmation for Meditation

April 2, 2019 0 By Edith

Affirmation for Meditation


Meditation has many benefits. Not just only physical and mental benefits but meditation also helps emotionally and spiritually. Reaching this through daily meditation is a very important step on our personal journeys. And I hope that this Affirmation for Meditation is of value to you.

If you would like to read more about meditation, its benefits and how to set up a meditation space, please click here.

If you are looking for short affirmations to use while meditating, these work really well when reciting with every inhalation and every exhalation.



inhale … letting … exhale … go

inhale … I let go of tension … exhale … I invite tranquility

inhale … I inhale happiness … exhale … I exhale unhappiness

inhale … I invite love … exhale … and joy into my life

inhale … I accept love … exhale … and peace



Do you use short affirmations while practicing deep breathing or mantra meditations? Why not share them by leaving a comment below. I’d love to hear from you.
