The Miracle Morning – A ‘Not-So-Obvious’ Secret To Transform Your Life Before 8am
What is ‘The Miracle Morning’? The book itself claims to be a ‘not-so-obvious’ secret guaranteed to transform your life before 8am.
Hal Elrod, the author of the book, combines 6 of the most effective and well-practiced habits into ’The Miracle Morning’ – practicing these daily and ultimately transforming any area of a person’s life.
He calls them ‘The Life S.A.V.E.R.S.’ – an acronym for
So what do these stand for?
Starting the day in silence is calming and relaxing in itself. You can choose to sit quietly, using the power of prayer, reflection, deep breathing or meditation.
If you like the idea of starting the day off meditating, there are many types of meditations available that you could do during your Miracle Morning. My favourite ones are guided meditations and mantras. Hal also includes a ‘Miracle Morning Meditation’ in his book that you might like to try.
Affirmations are such a powerful tool to help manifest what you wish to welcome into your life. I am suggesting using Affirmations to address all areas that you would like to focus on in your life. Hal also has a PDF available for download on his website with ideas and suggestions for possible Affirmations that you can use and/or adapt.
When writing your own Affirmations, I suggest being as specific as possible. This is an example if you are planning to lose weight:
I exercise three times a week for 1 hour each session. It brings me joy, health and my body loses weight. I continue to lose 5 kilograms within the next 5 months.
If you would like to read more about Affirmations, please go to one of my blog posts about Affirmations here.
Visualizing your affirmations and dreams can help with manifesting them. Visualizing basically means adding emotions and mental images and imagining how it would be and feel like if it was real. It is also suggested visualising yourself going through the steps to achieve your dreams. It is always good to be specific (as in the Affirmation’s example above). A lot of people use Visualization Boards for this purpose.
I think this is pretty self-explanatory. We all know how important it is to move and exercise on a regular basis. Find an exercise or sports that you enjoy doing. There are also lots of tutorials and videos online that can give you inspiration or that you can follow along. Why not find a yoga video that is suitable for the length and type of exercise you are looking for (i.e. getting your heart rate up and losing calories or gentle stretching exercises).
Reading books in the personal and spiritual development area is not only beneficial but will also give you an insight and knowledge about the vast information that is available to help us on your journeys. While reading just a few minutes a day and learning from experts, I am sure you will pick up something valuable that you can implement to help you make positive changes to your life. If you would like to find out more about books that I am reading and recommending, please go to my ‘Books Page’. I will regularly add more books to this article.
Scribing (another word for writing as he could not fit a ‘W’ into the acronym)
This can be writing a (daily) journal, writing into a Gratitude Journal and expressing Gratitude simultaneously in your life or just jotting down a few thoughts that are running through your mind. Hal says that journaling can give you a different perspective and insight on areas in your life that you are writing about. It can help with gaining clarity, improvements and realizing your progress.
I choose to write a journal in the mornings during my ‘Miracle Morning’ and attending to my ‘Gratitude Journal’ in the evenings.
So this is a brief explanation of the 6 daily practices involved in ‘The Miracle Morning’.
So, who is ‘The Miracle Morning’ for?
This is for anyone
- who would like to start the day in silence
- who would like to start the day refreshed and energized
- who would like to devote and dedicate time to themselves, their personal and spiritual development on a daily basis
- who would like to welcome positive changes into their lives
- who would like to reach their goals and manifest their desired wishes
- who would like to reach their full potential
- who would like to positively transform their lives to new levels and heights
- who would like their dreams come true
If you connected with one of the above, I would greatly encourage you to try ‘The Miracle Morning’. If you have concerns or thoughts that might stop you from giving it a try or you might think that it might sound too hard or that you haven’t got a lot of experience in the above practices, please do not be discouraged. Please do not let this stop you from giving it a try.
Hal himself said in his book that it took him a few weeks to be able to sit in silence and meditate and I am certainly not a master of any of the above practices either. It is not about thinking you have to get it right or practice it perfectly.
It is about enjoying it and experiencing it. And with practicing it, you will become more comfortable, confident and experienced at it. And as described further below, it is customizable (read on for this!)
- I personally love and practice ‘The Miracle Morning’ on a daily basis and I can see the transformation taking place in my own life.
- I am calmer, more balanced, relaxed and start the day beautifully in a peaceful and tranquil manner.
- In the evenings, I am excitedly going to bed, knowing that I will dedicate and devote the first hour of the day to myself, and not rushing to get ready to go to work
- You are dedicating and devoting the first hour of each day to yourself, your personal and spiritual development and all areas that you choose to focus on
- Starting the day in silence is absolutely amazing. I don’t know about you, but when working 5 days a week, a lot of people start their days off rushing and hastening; and this often sets the tone for the day. With spending the first hour of each day focusing on yourself, you are starting the day off quietly, balanced and more focused. You will be surprised how quickly you will notice positive changes. I personally felt positive changes after the first morning I practiced these 6 habits.
- The wonderful thing about this is, that it is absolutely customizable to suit your own preferences and liking. When I first heard about it I thought it was a ‘rigid’ routine of having to spend 10
minutes each on the 6 habits in that particular order but I am glad and relieved I was completely wrong. After explaining the 6 habits in detail in his book, Hal describes extensively that you have the choice to make it suitable to your preferences and I encourage you to do so. You could choose to exercise for 30 minutes and divide the remaining 30 minutes between the other 5 habits. Or spend 20 minutes on meditating (Silence), 15 minutes exercising, 5 minutes on Affirmations and Visualizations each, writing for 5 minutes and reading for 10 minutes. You get the idea.Please be flexible when practicing ‘The Miracle Morning’. I don’t stick to the exact same routine or amount of time allocated to each of the 6 habits all the time either – and Hal also encourages his readers to change the routine at times to spark new excitement from time to time. He also said that he used some of the ‘writing’ element during his ‘Miracle Morning’ to write the actual book and dedicated more time to this practice during that time.So, be flexible, creative and as you can see, you can integrate projects you are working on into ‘The Miracle Morning’.If, for example, you are planning to lose weight, you can integrate this not only into your daily Affirmations but into the Exercise part of ‘The Miracle Morning’ yourself (as explained above).
Further Pros
- Hal also includes information on how habits are formed and how to change our habits and succeed in practicing ‘The Miracle Morning’ on a long term basis. I personally found this very helpful. First of all learning about it and then being able to implement it and stick with it, forming a new habit.
- It also includes a 30-Day Challenge, encouraging readers to not give up and thus helping them to form this new habit.
- And there are bonuses included.
- The actual ‘essence’ of the book (the 6 habits that form ‘The Miracle Morning’) is less than 60 pages.
- The introduction of the book is over 60 pages long (it was too long for me)
- He also repeats his ‘life story’ a few times within the book – I personally think sharing his story with his readers once is sufficient
- The included bonuses are only available online – I know that everything is ‘online’ now but when I read a book, I want to read a book and not constantly get referred back to a website in order to access information. I personally think that it would have not been too difficult to include an appendix with his bonuses (Affirmations, Smoothie Recipe, etc.) but that’s only my personal opinion
- It is saying that it needs to be practiced before 8am but I think somewhere in the book he does refer to different people having different routines, i.e. if you are working night shifts, you might not wake up until after noon; and practicing ‘The Miracle Morning’ then is completely fine. I think he is referring to practicing it after waking up.
If I had to give a rating, I would rate
- ‘The Miracle Morning’ Practice – 4.5 stars out of 5 stars
- The actual book – 2.5 stars out of 5 stars – due to the long introduction and the fact that the bonuses are only available online. Otherwise, it is a good book with valuable information and interesting facts. And as in my previous rating, I LOVE the practice of ‘The Miracle Morning’.
I really do hope that this article gave you an insight of ‘The Miracle Morning’ and most importantly about the benefits and positive affects it can have on your life. I really encourage you to consider giving it a try to find out for yourself.
Click here to have a look at the book – free shipping to most countries is included. Check it out and let me know if you have any questions or comments!
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Hi Edith, what a wonderful article. I found all the steps you have summarised for a miracle morning very helpful. I used to do this a long time ago before I had a family. I was always very “deep” in the way I viewed things in life and was always known as the “spiritual” one of among my friends and family.
I am trying to get back to that spiritual connection that I once had – so many things have happened in my life, which has left me almost as if I am “just living” without really living, if you know what I mean.
Anyway, I had to grin when you said that you like books rather than e-books. I am like you, I love the fact that I can open a book and lay it upside down on the coffee table and pick it up again, where I left it. I also love the smell of books.
I enjoyed reading your article very much.
Thank you, Saane, for taking the time to read the article and for leaving a comment. I do really hope that you will be able to have more time to re-connect to your spirituality. I find mornings work best for me. I get up a little earlier and there seem to be less distractions than later in the day. I do really hope that you will find a way. And in regards to your comment about books – I fully understand what you mean
Wonderful to share some similarities. Thanks again, Edith
The Author of the miracle morning really used the right acronym “Life Savers” for the book. It denotes life in its actuall sense and reality. Life without morning silence and meditation looks staggered at times. Meditation helps me to stay focused and follow my daily plans strategically. The need for meditation cannot be overemphasised. Exercise also helps me to stay sound and healthy while I pursue my goals and targets. I will love to give the book a try.
Hi Kenechi, thank you so much for sharing your practices and how they impact your life. Much appreciated. Edith
Thanks for such a brilliant post, this is clearly a motivational post to start each morning. I enjoy reading the article and I would love to get The Miracle Morning.The review shows how powerful and helpful the book will be. I love affirmation words, it’s really working for me. Thanks for the review, best regards
From your review, it seems the book is not a good read, but it has powerful contents. Everyday, when I wake up I take my daily affirmations. I stand in front of a mirror and paint the picture I want to see. I say positive words and it helps sustain me through the day. I believe the other methods written here could also be equally empowering. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Louis, thank you so much for sharing your experiences and I am glad to hear that Affirmations play such an important role in your life and ultimately have such a positive impact. Thanks again, Edith
Thanks for introducing me to the Miracle morning, aka The Life S.a.v.e.r.s. We live in a very demanding world, and without taking time to meditate or sit in silence especially early in the morning over one’s life and goals generally, one would burn out faster. My Dad used to tell me back then that morning shows the day. How a person starts the early hours of the day would affect one’s productivity and decision making. I’m knowing about this miracle morning habit for the first time, and would definitely give it a trial. I would take up the 30 day’s challenge.
Hi Tolu, thanks so much for sharing this. It’s wonderful to hear that your dad shared this important wisdom with you. I do encourage you to take up the 30-Days-Challenge. It is worth a try and I am sure you will notice positive changes. Cheers, Edith
I do start off my day with silence, it’s really relaxing and calm, helps you plan your day or put plans in motion, I also spend some time visualizing my life and dreams, We are told to dream big. The morning miracle sounds like an ideal thing to practice so I intend putting it to use, the Life SAVERS as they are called
Hi Boi, thanks for your time leaving a comment. It’s wonderful to hear that you are already practicing some of these. And I am glad you find this article helpful. Edith
All of us have a morning route that is endemic of the human condition but sometimes making some small adjustments to our routine can have enormous influences on the way we approach the day and the mental framework with which we tackle challenges.
I like the idea of taking the time to set your mind up with affirmations that you wish to engage with throughout the day. Why in your opinion does the author repeat his life experience so often, is he trying to pad the book?
Hi Rich, thanks so much for sharing this and leaving a comment. You are right about the fact that small adjustments can have a large positive impact. To answer your question, I am not sure – but I do hope that the ‘cons’ mentioned in this article will not stop you from reading the book; as the positives outweigh and the essence of the book is the 6 practices that have the power to transform your life. Thanks again, Edith
A wonderful method to achieve inner peace. The miracle morning helps to retask our self to start a new day the perfect way. Going through this stages of silence,affirmation, visualisation,exercise,reading and scribing makes its less stress to put various part of our life’s back on the right track. Though I have not read this book , I have read similar books and I can tell you the impact on my personal life is awesome.
Hi Olalekan, thanks for sharing this. Edith
This books is actually backing up the saying that our day depends on how we start our mornings, I will personally like to get a copy of this book because am most interested in the acronyms S.A.V.E.R. S and most importantly reading this book every morning and following up the six words acronym will help in having blessed and fulfil day. Am so much excited to read and know about this book from you. Thanks and God bless you more